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FAQ: Common Questions

  • What is included in my registration fee?
    When you purchase a Season 3 BHRS Pass, you unlock the following perks! Passholders recieve a commemorative shirt, commemorative race jacket, and the opportunity to earn commemorative medals, if you complete the RockStar Virtual Race, all 4 Super Races and complete the Lucky Charm 2-Race Challenge. A commemorative race glass will be given to those participants who complete all 10 races in the series. All participants will have access to the final award recognition event on 6-22-19. Visit the Wrap-Up Party page for more details.
  • How do I know I’m registered for the BHRS?
    Once your registration has been processed, you will receive a confirmation email from the Big Hammock Race Series. If you don’t receive an e-mail and are sure you have paid please Contact Us.
  • Is there a minimum age to register for the BHRS?
    No, the youngest category is 8 and under.
  • Does my entry into the BHRS include entry into all 10 races?
    No, you must register for each BHRS race separately. Visit the "Races In Series" page for more information.
  • If I am injured, pregnant or no longer able to compete in the series or a race due to vacation, military leave, or illness, can I get a refund for my BHRS registration or transfer my entry to someone else?"
    BHRS entry fees are non-refundable and cannot be transferred. Transferring bibs is up to the sole decision of each Race Director. Banditing races is prohibited. If found banditing a race, the participant will forfeit any race points accumulated for that race and will be disqualified from the series. Any allowed changes must be made prior to the race start to avoid disqualification from the series. Only Race # 1 in Season 3 can be run virtually (Learn more about virtual race restrictions, or credit given for a participants inability to complete the race.) We're sorry, no exceptions will be made.
  • If I complete a race without a race bib, will I get credit for completing the race?"
    No. Each BHRS PassHolder must complete the races in the series wearing their bib with chip. Your bib documents your participation in the race and allows your performance to be timed and ranked among those in your same gender. We recommend that you register before each race and take advantage of Early Packet Pickup or arrive extra early before the race to pick up your credentials. Race Directors are obligated to start each race on time and may close registration and packet pickup in order to remain on schedule. These planning tips will help you to not get left behind!
  • Can I get a refund of my race entry?
    Entry fees for all races in the BHRS are non-refundable. If a Race Director allows a change, it must be made prior to the race start to avoid bib banditing and disqualification from the series. Contact the individual Race Director for more information.
  • Can I register for the BHRS at any time?
    The earlier you sign up, the more money you save. Registration opens on June 6 for $30. On July 1, the fee to sign up for the series is $40 until 9/23/18, then registration is $45 by 10/31/18, $50 by 12/31/18 and $65 after up to 3/31/19, when the BHRS challenge registration closes.
  • When does the BHRS begin?
    The series begins with the 1st race in the series on July 1, 2018 with the RockStar Virtual 5k race and ends with the 10th race in the series, “Pace's Derby Day 5k/10k” on May 4, 2019.
  • Is there a pace requirement for the series?
    There is no pace requirement for the BHRS challenge. But, please visit each participating BHRS race to view their individual requirements.
  • Do I have to run the half-marathon or full marathon for the seventh race?
    No, you can choose to run any of the 3-races: the 5k, 1/2-Marathon (13.1), or the Full Marathon (26.2). Completing your choice of one of these three races at the 7th BHRS race, Five Points of Life, will satisfy the requirement of completing the 3rd of 4-Super Races in the BHRS. But, consider taking on one of the longer distances for a chance to earn giant points in this Super Race!
  • Can I complete the Points of Life 5k/Half Marathon Challenge and still get points for both races?
    Yes. If you sign up to complete the 5k/Half Marathon Challenge, which requires you to run the 5k on Saturday and the Half-Marathon on Sunday, and your results are posted in the official race results, then you will receive Super Points for both races.
  • If I sign up for the Big Hammock Race Series after the 1st race in the series has started, will I get credit for the previous races in the series that I have already run?"
    Yes. You will get credit for the all previous races that you ran if you sign up after the series has begun. But, you will pay more for your registration. So, be sure to sign up sooner than later! The final deadline for signing up the BHRS is March 31, 2019.
  • Is the series walker friendly?
    Please visit each individual race for pacing requirements.
  • How do I get my BHRS shirt and jacket?
    You'll be able to get your hands on your shirt and jacket at early packet pick-up at the Cornerstone Leads the Way 5k, the Marion County Hallowen 5k/10k or Sangria 5k! Shirts and jackets for registrations prior to 11/10/18 that have not been picked up, will be forfeited. Any remaining shirts and jackets will be offered to participants that signed up after 11/11/18. Shirts and jackets are first come first served to those that pick them up.
  • How do I get my BHRS Super Medal?
    If you complete all four Super Races you will receive your BHRS super medal at the last Super Race, the St. Paddy's Day 5K.
  • How do I get my Lucky Charm Challenge medal?
    If you complete all both the Sangria Dash 5K and the Derby Day 5k/10k you will receive your Lucky Charm Challenge medal at the Derby Day 5k/10k.
  • When and where are the Overall and Division awards given out?
    Join us for Season 3 Wrap Up party, presented by CenterState Bank on Saturday, June 22, 2019 at Cone Distributing from 3-5 p.m. This get together will bring all series participants together to have fun and award both the Overall and Age Division winners of the series. All BHRS participants will be notified via email about event details.
  • How do I get my BHRS Perfect 10 Glass?
    If you complete all 10 races in the series you will receive your commemorative race glass at the Season 3 Awards Party, presented by CenterState Bank on Saturday, June 22, 2019.
  • What types of awards and prizes are going to be awarded?
    Prizes vary for BHRS participants who earn the HIGHEST points in their BHRS Age Division will win an award that they'll treasure & enjoy using throughout the year as a reminder of their awesome win! Check out the Prizes page for more details.
  • How is the Overall Winner & Overall Masters category in the series scored?
    All runners will receive an Overall score for each race. The maximum score you can earn is 100%. This score is not weighted by your age, but simply the position that you crossed the finish line compared to all participants of your same gender in a race. Throughout the series, the average of all Overall scores you earn will be calculated to determine your TOTAL OVERALL column. The Total Overall Category calculates the average of all 10-races from Day 1 in the beginning. If a BHRS race has not yet taken place, the Total Overall column will provide a 0% score. Therefore, at the beginning of the series, your Total Overall score will appear lower as you have not yet earned a score in the future races. Over time, your and all series participant's Total Overall scores will increase as you complete races & the 0% columns are replaced by your actual race scores. Example: There are 100 females that cross the finish line in a race. If you are a female that crosses the finish line 1st in this race, you will earn a score of 100% in the Overall column. If you are a female in the same race & are the 25th to cross the finish line, you will earn a 75%. If you do do not complete the race, your score will be a 0%.
  • How are Points awarded & scored in the series?
    All runners will be scored in the Points category for every race in the Big Hammock Race Series (BHRS). Points are awarded when you place in the top 10 of your Age Division in a race. Your Age Division for each race is determined by your actual age on the day of the race. Age Divisions may vary from race to race and won't always exactly match the Age Divisions in the BHRS. Simply put, we only link your name and the place you have earned. The specific details about each race's Age Divisions don't factor into the equation. Overall and Masters winners who have been removed from the race's Age Division scoring, will be returned back to their original Age Division so that we can properly score the Age Division. The result of this correction will be that the remaining participants from each winner's Age Division will be bumped back down to their original placement. The closer to 1st place you achieve, the more points you'll earn. 10k, 15k, Super Races, 1/2, and Full marathon distances award BIG POINTS! If you place 11th+ in your Age Division you will only receive participations point(s). If you don't participate in a race, you will score 0 points.Use thePoints chart to see the exact points that are awarded for each race. Example: In a 5k Super Race, there are 15 men in "Age Division 50 - 59". Notice this series race does not use this same Age Division break down as the Big Hammock Race series as our comparable Age Divisions are 50-54 and 55-59. But, this does not factor as these 15 men will earn their points based off of this specific race's Age Division in which they are placed for this particular race. Jack is one of these 15 men and has fabulously won the race's Master's Division. So, the race has moved Jack from 50 - 59 Age Division & has placed him as the Master's winner. Michael is also in Jack's same Age Division & has placed 1st. To score the results in the BHRS, we will move Jack from Masters Winner back into his original Age Division in which he placed 1st giving him a score of 20-points. This shuffle will now move Michael from 1st place back to 2nd place earning him 18-points. Jack's Big Hammock Race Series Age Division is 60 - 64 because he is now 59, but will be 60 on May 4th.
  • How does the Lucky Charm Challenge work?
    Participants in the BHRS only have to participate in two races to qualify for the Lucky Charm Challenge medal. Register and complete both the Sangria Dash 5k on November 10 and Pace's Derby Day 5K/10k on May 4 and you will receive your Lucky Charm Challenge medal after the Derby Day race.
  • My official race results are incorrect. Will you change the BHRS results to show my correct time?
    Big Hammock Race Series results are based on each individual race's official timing company results. It is each runner's responsibility to make sure that their race results are correct before each race concludes. If you notice your results are missing or incorrect on the official online race results, you must contact the Race Director with your proof of time. Then, if the Race Director agrees with your proof, they will contact the timing company with your data. If both the timing company and the Race Director determine that an adjustment in the Official Results should be made, the race's official online results will be updated. At that time, please contact BHRS and we will gladly update the official series results to reflect your newly corrected results.
  • Can I win both the Overall Competition & my Age Division?
    Sorry, while that would be awesome to win both, there is no double dipping. The Overall winners will be moved out of their BHRS Age Division and the next series participants will move up in the ranks to fill the Overall Winner's space.
  • What if there is a tie?
    If there is a tie in the Age Group category the Overall placement will be used as a tiebreaker. If there is a tie in the Overall category, we will score the runners head to head through 10 races. The runner with the highest number of “wins” will be considered the overall winner. If there is still a tie, we will have a dance off.
  • Is there a Handcycling / Wheelchair Division in the Big Hammock Race Series?
    No not this year due to no or low participation numbers in past years.
  • Can my young child participate if I push a stroller?
    No not this year due to no or low participation numbers in past years.
  • Where will the Series standings be posted?
    The standings after each race will be calculated and displayed on the Results page as each of the races progress through the season. Please allow up to 2-weeks post race to allow us time to gather, calculate and publish the results. Be sure to like us on FaceBook to ensure that you received the latest announcements & the first word as soon as results are posted!
  • Can I submit my Virtual Race Results for my BHRS time for Race 1?
    Virtual Race Results must be submited to VirtualStrides to get credit for Race 1. By completing Race 1, BHRS PassHolders will receive 10 points on their Scorecard and 1 Wild Card that you can use to replace any Season 3 live race that you cannot attend to help earn your Super Medal, Lucky Charm Challenge Medal or Perfect 10 Glass. Please visit the Virtual Race FAQs page to learn more about the unique restrictions of opting to use your Wild Card.
  • How are the races in the series selected?
    Races are selected based on feedback from our participants, date of race, surfaces, distance offered, theme, course, and location to make the perfect blend and unique features for series participants. Encourage your favorite race to submit their interest.
  • Can I volunteer to help at any participating BHRS race?
    Please contact each participating BHRS race director to inquire about volunteers. If you are interested in being a BHRS series volunteer, let us know where your skill set can best be used.
  • What is the best way to contact the BHRS if I have additional questions?
    Please Contact Us or leave your question on our Facebook page.

™ 2015-2020  •  Big Hammock Race Series, Inc.

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