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Q: Have you or will you miss a race this Season?
  • NO   You don't need to redeem your Wild Card and this page is not for you. Carry on with your bad self!

  • YESThank goodness you are here! Proceed carefully! Once a PassHolder completes this form to redeem a Wild Card, no changes will be allowed and the Wild Card will be considered redeemed. PassHolders who do not properly complete the required steps by the posted deadlines will forfeit this Challenge award and their Wild Card. Peace & Love... No exceptions will be made! Good Luck!

Redemption option buttons will show their status!
  • "Not Open Yet" … It's not time yet and the button will not work.

  • "Redeem Now"… Click the button to be taken to the Wild Card Redemption Form specifically for that Challenge award.

  • "Closed"… The button will no longer work, the Wild Card Redemption Form is removed from the website, and the opportunity to redeem this season's Wild Card for that Challenge award has ended.

Super Challenge!

If you missed one SUPER race and want to earn the Super Challenge Medal, choose this Wild Card redemption option.

Redemption Window: 2/20/20 - 3/14/20


Wild Card Rules For This Challenge Prize:

Super Medals are first awarded at the 4th and final Super Challenge Race of the season. Then, again at the final LCC Race of the season for those that could not attend the final Super Race race of the season.

  • Only the 4 Super Races of the Season will be presented as Wild Card redemption options for this Challenge Award.

  • To claim your Super Challenge Medal on 3/7/20 at the 4th/final Super Race, all redemption steps must be completed by 2/29/20.

  • To claim your Super Challenge Medal on 5/9/20 at the 2nd/final Luck Charm Challenge Race, all redemption steps must be completed by 3/14/20.

  • Awards not picked up by the PassHolder on the above published claim date will be forfeited.

  • No matter how many distances completed at a Super Race, only one Super Challenge credit can be earned at a Super Race.

  • If only ONE race in the Season has been missed, PassHolders who redeem their Wild Card for this Challenge Award will automatically be eligible to earn the season's Challenge Glass with no further steps required.

  1. Complete Virtual Race #1

  2. Submit your Race #1 Results on your account by the deadline. Your results must match your PassHolder name on your BHRS Scorecard. Contact Virtual Strides if you need help.

  3. Submit your Wild Card Redemption request for the Super Challenge Medal using the above button.

  4. The BHRS Team will update all Scorecards after the first Redemption window deadline. Wild Cards will be redeemed and Challenge credits will be awarded on the score cards of PassHolders who've successfully completed Steps #1-3 by the required deadlines. These PassHolders may claim their Super Challenge Medal at the Final Super Race.

  5. The BHRS Team will update all Scorecards again after the second redemption deadline and the final Super Race has been scored. Wild Cards will be redeemed and Challenge credits will be awarded on the score cards of PassHolders who've successfully completed Steps #1-3 by the required deadlines. These PassHolders may claim their Super Challenge Medal at the Final Lucky Charm Challenge Race.

Lucky Charm Challenge!

If you missed one LUCKY CHARM race  and want to earn the Lucky Charm Challenge Medal, choose this Wild Card redemption option.

ORIGINAL Redemption Window (if Race #10 is NOT canceled/postponed):
4/26/20 - 5/16/20

SPECIAL COVID-19 Redemption Window (if Race #10 IS canceled/postponed: Redeem NOW through 7 days after the race cancellation or postponement announcement.

Race #10 was canceled at 1:45 PM on 3/24/20. The redemption window will close on 3/31/20 at 1:45 PM


Wild Card Rules For This Challenge Prize:

Lucky Charm Challenge Medals are first awarded at the 2nd/final LCC Race of the season. Then, again at the season's Wrap Up Party for those that could not attend the final LCC Race race of the season.


​Due to the rapid changes of COVID-19, the Lucky Charm Challenge Redemption Window is now open. If Race #10 is cancelled or postponed the following will apply.

  • To claim your Lucky Charm Challenge Medal at the Season 4 Wrap up Party, all redemption steps must be completed within 1-week of that announcement cancellation.

  • The Season 4 Wrap Up Party is the only option available currently to pick up your challenge award.

  • Awards not picked up by the PassHolder on the above published claim dates will be forfeited.

  • If only ONE race in the Season has been missed, PassHolders who redeem their Wild Card for this Challenge Award will automatically be eligible to earn the season's Challenge Glass with no further steps required.

  • Only the 2 Lucky Charm Races of the Season will be presented as Wild Card redemption options for this Challenge Award.

  • To claim your Lucky Charm Challenge Medal on 5/9/20 at the 2nd/final Luck Charm Challenge Race, all redemption steps must be completed by 5/2/20.

  • To claim your Lucky Charm Challenge Medal at the Wrap Up Party, all redemption steps must be completed by 5/16/20.

  • Awards not picked up by the PassHolder on the above published claim dates will be forfeited.

  • If only ONE race in the Season has been missed, PassHolders who redeem their Wild Card for this Challenge Award will automatically be eligible to earn the season's Challenge Glass with no further steps required.

  1. Complete Virtual Race #1

  2. Submit your Race #1 Results on your account by the deadline. Your results must match your PassHolder name on your BHRS Scorecard. Contact Virtual Strides if you need help.

  3. Submit your Wild Card Redemption request for the Lucky Charm Challenge Medal using the above button.

  4. The BHRS Team will update all Scorecards after the first Redemption window deadline. Wild Cards will be redeemed and Challenge credits will be awarded on the Scorecards of PassHolders who've successfully completed Steps #1-3 by the required deadlines. These PassHolders may claim their Lucky Charm Challenge Medal at the Lucky Charm Race.

  5. The BHRS Team will update all Scorecards again after the second redemption deadline and the final Lucky Charm Challenge race has been scored. Wild Cards will be redeemed and Challenge credits will be awarded on the score cards of PassHolders who've successfully completed Steps #1-3 by the required deadlines. These PassHolders may claim their Lucky Charm Challenge Medal at the Wrap Up Party.

Perfect 10 Glass Challenge!

If you missed ANY ONE race and want to earn the Glass Challenge Award, choose this Wild Card redemption option.

ORIGINAL Redemption Window (if Race #10 is NOT canceled/postponed):
4/26/20 - 5/16/20

SPECIAL COVID-19 Redemption Window (if Race #10 IS canceled/postponed: Redeem NOW through 7 days after the race cancellation or postponement announcement.

Race #10 was canceled at 1:45 PM on 3/24/20. The redemption window will close on 3/31/20 at 1:45 PM


Wild Card Rules For This Challenge Prize:

Glass Challenge Awards are only awarded at the season's Wrap Up Party.


​Due to the rapid changes of COVID-19, the Perfect 10 Glass Redemption Window is now open. If Race #10 is cancelled or postponed the following will apply.

  • To claim your Perfect 10 Glass at the Season 4 Wrap up Party, all redemption steps must be completed within 1-week of that announcement cancellation.

  • The Season 4 Wrap Up Party is the only option available currently to pick up your challenge award.

  • Awards not picked up by the PassHolder on the above published claim dates will be forfeited.

  • If only ONE race in the Season has been missed, PassHolders who redeem their Wild Card for this Challenge Award will automatically be eligible to earn the season's Challenge Glass with no further steps required.

  • All the current Races of the Season will be presented as Wild Card redemption options for this Challenge Award.

  • To claim your Challenge Glass on 6/20/20 at the season's Wrap Up party, all redemption steps must be completed by 5/16/20.

  • PassHolder's that can not attend the party may have their peeps who came to celebrate sign out their award.

  • Awards not picked up by the PassHolder on the above published claim date will be forfeited.

  1. Complete Virtual Race #1

  2. Submit your Race #1 Results on your account by the deadline. Your results must match your PassHolder name on your BHRS Scorecard. Contact Virtual Strides if you need help.

  3. Submit your Wild Card Redemption request for the Glass Challenge Award using the above button.

  4. The BHRS Team will update all Score Cards after the first Redemption window deadline. Wild Cards will be redeemed and the BHRS Team will award Challenge credits to the Scorecards of PassHolders who've successfully completed Steps #1-3 by the required deadlines.

  5. The BHRS Team will update all Scorecards after the final race of the Season has been scored and the redemption window for this Challenge award has closed. Wild Cards will be redeemed and the BHRS Team will award Challenge credits to the score cards of PassHolders who've successfully completed Steps #1-3 by the required deadlines. These PassHolders may claim their Glass Challenge Award at the Wrap Up Party.


™ 2015-2020  •  Big Hammock Race Series, Inc.

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