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Unleash Your Inner RockStar!

Touring Your Hometown July '18-May '19
SORRY! This registration has sold out. The race & the PassHolder perks it offered are no longer available.
3/11/20 at 10:15 p.m.

Due to Race #10 canceling at 1:45 PM on 3/24/20, Season 4 will now close on 4/6/20 @ 11:59 PM. PassHolders must post their PUBLIC RockStar Virtual 5k results by at 1:45 PM on 3/31/20 to receive a Wild Card, 10 points, & 1Glass credit on their scorecard. Those who miss that deadline will have up to 11:59 PM on 4/6/20 to receive 10 points on their scorecard, 1 Glass credit, & no Wild Card. PassHolders who miss both deadlines will not be awarded any Race #1 perks.

Presented By:

The Big Hammock Race Series Super RockStar Virtual 5k Race can be walked/run anytime and place you choose! The only requirement while completing your distance is that you focus on what empowers you and makes you stronger. Take the time to celebrate you and channel your inner RockStar! Use any Season 4 training workout to tackle the 5k distance. It's the perfect time to grad a friend and get moving. Join your favorite uplifting peeps, find your inner "toughie," and unleash it!

Only 500 spaces available! Register online for $29.00

Registration opens July 1, 2019. Final date to submit results and registration closes May 31, 2020.

FAQs Virtual Races
How does the RockStar Virtual Race work?

The RockStar Virtual 5k race is Race #1 in Season 4 of the BHRS. Whether you are a BHRS participant or not, anyone can register for this virtual race. Participants can walk, run, or combine a few workouts to create a total distance of a 5k (3.1 miles.)

What do I receive for completing the RockStar Virtual Race?

You will receive this awesome colorful, black plated, 6.25"w x 2.35"h guitar medal with a 3/4"gold charm pick, moveable shimmering wings and Velcro clasp ribbon. You can also print out your own custom RockStar Race digital race bib.

What if I am a BHRS participant?

The RockStar Virtual 5k Race is the only virtual race that is eligible towards points or bling in Season 4. When BHRS Passholders register, complete the 5k distance, and post their results on by the necessary deadline, the excitement begins! Then, you'll also earn 10 points on your BHRS Scorecard and 1 Wild Card that you can use to replace any Season 4 live race that you can not attend to help earn your Super Medal, Lucky Charm Challenge Medal or Perfect 10 Glass.

Is there a deadline to complete the race virtually?

Yes, if you are a BHRS participant and if you plan on redeeming your Wild Card, you must have completed your Rock Star Virtual 5k Race and submit your run/walk data to Virtual Strides by the redemption deadlines based on which challenge you are working towards. If you are not a BHRS participant, you can upload your results without any deadlines as Virtual Strides manages all fulfillment of your virtual race experience.

When are the redemption windows?
  • The Super Medal Redemption window opens on 2/23/20 and closes on 3/14/20 based on where you will be picking up your award.

  • To claim your Super Medal on 3/7/20 at the 4th Super Race, St. Paddy's Day 5k, submit a Wild Card request and results by 2/29/20

  • To claim your Super Medal on 5/9/20 at Emerald Mermaid Escapades 5k, submit your request and results by 3/14/20

Earn A Lucky Charm Challenge Using A Wild Card:
  • The Lucky Charm Challenge Medal Redemption window opens on 4/26/20 and closes on 5/16/20 based on where you will be picking up your award.

  • To claim your Lucky Charm Challenge Medal on 5/4/19 at the 2nd Luck Charm Challenge Race, Emerald Mermaid Escapades 5k, submit a Wild Card request and results by 4/26/20

  • To claim your Lucky Charm Challenge Medal on 6/20/20 at the Wrap Up Party, submit your request and results by 5/16/20

Earn A Perfect 10 Glass Using A Wild Card:
  • The Perfect 10 Glass redemption window opens on 4/26/20 and closes on 5/16/20

  • To claim your Perfect 10 Glass on 6/20/20 at the Wrap Up Party, submit a Wild Card request and results by 5/16/20

How will BHRS know if I participated virtually?

Once you register for a virtual race and submit your virtual run/walk data to Virtual Strides, they will provide your information to the BHRS for eligibility. See the redemption windows above to submit your race information to Virtual Strides to receive your challenge award.

Can I or a friend pickup my award medal at one of the races?

Yes, only if you purchased and completed the RockStar Virtual 5k race, and submitted your virtual run/walk data to Virtual Strides by the appropriate redemption window. Then, you or a friend can pick-up your medal at the appropriate event. 

Are Virtual Race Registrations Transferable or Refundable?

No. Please plan in advance to purchase the correct virtual race option that you desire to complete Race #1. Each race registration resource is independent and refunds, race option switches, or transfers will not be granted.

What is the cost for running the races virtually?

Virtual Strides offers the RockStar Virtual 5k Race (includes “Guitar” Medal) for $29. BHRS participants that submit their virtual race data by May 31, 2020 are automatically receive 10 points on their BHRS Scorecard and will receive one Wild Card to use to replace any Season 4 live race that you can not attend to help you earn your Super Medal, Lucky Charm Challenge Medal or Perfect 10 Glass.

Do I have to be a BHRS participant to earn the RockStar Medal?

No. Non-BHRS participants can earn the RockStar medal by visiting Virtual Strides and signing up. Virtual Strides will mail your medal to you once you have submitted your race information to them.

I have not received my virtual medal from Virtual Strides, can the BHRS help?

No. Virtual Strides manages all virtual race results and fulfillment for the RockStar Virtual race. Please consider them the Virtual Race Director for the virtual race options. Please contact them with your concerns.

When will I receive my virtual race medals?

Virtual Strides manages all virtual race results and fulfillment for the RockStar Virtual race. Please consider them the Virtual Race Director for the virtual race options. Please contact them with your concerns & visit their FAQs section to learn more!

Does a charity for BHRS Race #1 benefit from the money that is paid to Virtual Strides?

Yes, both Big Hammock Race Series is a 501c3 non-profit that will receive a portion of each virtual race entry.

Will the Virtual Option be available in Season 5?

As in previous year, BHRS continues to listen to the feedback of its participants to get a better understanding of what is important to you. Please be sure to share your feedback when we survey towards the end of Season 4 to let us know what you thought about the RockStar Virtual 5k Race.


™ 2015-2020  •  Big Hammock Race Series, Inc.

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